Monday, April 22, 2019

TIPs from Down Under on How to Beat the Bot Monster Cyclops of HR Tech

TIPs from Down Under on How to Beat the BOT Monster Cyclops of HR Tech:

DCarsonCPA fix HR Fix HR Tech join to the Line and Staff Points on needs to Finally Fix the Non Relational Databases and under trained Staff that stands as the block of STEM to needs to help on the Economy. You Cannot Find the Talent without working Radar, Sonar and Lidar in metaphor. Fix the Tools, Find the STEM @USDOL @SHRM @NACD @AICPA @ICAEW @GARP @CFAInstitute open call to @SAP @Oracle @Dynamics and other heavy weights, medium and lighter weights on ground to grapple with the lost child of #HRTech and #VendorPortals . Metaphor to the Apple and the Varietal the Tech looks for an apple with little knowledge that the Golden Delicious and MacIntosh are varietals of the Apple - how on that level can we ever anticipate that #HRTech and #VendorPortals will help on the Search for #DomesticSTEM and Sustainable Cross Pollination STEM that helps and does not hurt the Domestic Economy ie you do not destroy the domestic labor force in STEM before mapping across 2 Classes of Available STEM being 1. Direct Skills 2. Re-mapable Skills and 3. Trainable STEM.  IF you are in doubt we can help on ALL 3 points to the line AND HR and Vendor Portal lines MUST BE Rationally Remapped to PnL and Balance Sheet complete Value across #GRLSTEM vectors not solely on Risk and GRC lines as currently mapped but for the whole of the Line, Staff and Community Value to PnLs.  #fixHR #FixHRTech #FixHRIS #FixVendorPortals #RelationalMapping on #STEM skills to needs to help on the economies.