DCarsonCPA Analysis of the Linkedin 12/06/18 National Labor Force Report as Cross Skills Demo
Analysis: DCarsonCPA HR Task Force Lines Quick and Simple on overview not in depth and not intended to be an end all be all study, just a quick analysis to illustrate a simple point on 1st, 2nd and 3rd tier cross skills and applications to reports on missing STEM and other skills as a proxy for what is missing from HR Tech Analysis and thereby hurting Domestic STEM participation.
Data Source: Linkedin 12/06/18 National Employment Report subset Boston Data on skills surplus and deficit Lines.
Notes to Analysis: Top Level Discrepancy of 190 Million US Participants per National Report and 150 Million National Participants / linkedin profiles of US Origin per Boston Report (gap of 40 Million Persons Nationally is likely a writers error but noting for observation).
A Simple Analysis: Observe Top Level Writings to Set (National) and Subset (Boston) note gap of 40 Million 190 -150 Million US Persons on Linked in per header (likely a clerical error but posted for noted diff not to draw flaw but for purpose of astute observation).
A Cautionary note to the reader to take this in context, we appreciate linkedin and it's key stakeholders (PWC et al) initiatives in sharing the workforce data to provide in effect something we all have never had before as such a close connection to economists and data scientists in a common platform the purpose of our analysis here is not to help or harm this but to serve to the greater purpose of seeking to help on the economy and to help build bridges for the non participants back to the main line workforce as is needed to help on the US Economy . So restated we are thankful to linked in for the data sets and the example here is just an illustration of overall value to ourselves, the economists and data scientists at linked in and the stakeholder lines of in this case in intent the US users of Linkedin and the active and looking to be active US Workforce. We are sharing this to help on the economy and the logistics lines of people to opportunities.
Sample Data Sets and Quick Analysis in Illustration:
Per the Above Analysis we take a simple run from the Linkedin lines of the National Report 12/6/18 Boston Subset and Compare Skills Surplus to Skills Deficit Lines on an intuitive insight line from the skills we've built on our lines of Economic, Financial, Legal, Technology and Social Research to make some Tier 1 , 2 and 3 Observations to the available skills, cross skills and building blocks of retrainable worklines to help on example to stem.